National Computers located in Nandyal, established in 2000 & got registration in 2001. Our students will register their computer Diploma certificates in concerned Employment exchanges in A.P from the year 2007.
Main Aims of National Computers
1. To Make Computer Education Accessible to all sections of the society
2. To lay special emphasis on the Rural, Tribal, Socially Under privileged sections of the society
3. To reduce mismatch between the demand and supply of skilled man power
4. To strengthen girl’s Education by improving their enrolment in the computer education
5. To provide quality Education even to the remote villages through Recorded Videos
6. Shift of focus from academics to marketable skills ,by introducing professional and specialized courses in emerging areas such as computer science, Graphics and Tourism etc.
7. Bring Computer Education to centre- stage & to train students in practical and problem solving kills
8. To Provide Software’s to all business and educational institutes in rural and urban areas.
2016-01-01National Computers at Padmavathi Nagar
2016-01-01SBTET Office Automation Admissions open